January Member Meeting - 01/26/2021

Present: Nikki Carrion, Steven Eilers, Christine Carpenter, Tammy Turner, Katie Boaldin, La Toshia Burrell, Ruben Carrion, Sally Browne, Rachael Chapman, Anna Banfield

Minutes: Minutes of the November meeting approved as written.

Treasurers Report: A balance of $3,791.78 remains. End of the year report- ready for the audit of books. Sally Browne and Ruben Carrion agreed to meet with the Treasurer in the spring to do the 2020 audit when we can meet outside and masked. 2021 Membership dues- $5/year for individual, $20/year for organization. Checks made out to Healthy Cedar Valley Coalition- mail to Christine.

Theme Group Updates

Promotions and Development Report

Unfinished business

New business

Member announcements

General meeting for 2021 remaining March 23, May 25, July 27, Sept. 28, and Nov. 16, all at 2:30 pm.
The meeting adjourned at 4:03pm. Motion to Adjourn. First, Steve. Second, Nikki.
Submitted by La Toshia Burrell.